Friday, October 17, 2014

Reflection Friday, October 17th

Another week in Kindergarten checked off our, what a doozie.  Great things happened in our classroom.  We read a Shared Reading story about pumpkins, wrote some pumpkin patch words we found around the classroom, played a pumpkin patch counting game and had a special visitor...Stonewall Jackson!  Make sure to keep reading to see our week in photos.

We did; however, have to take a few minutes on Thursday to review how to use our words when we want something or someone's attention and getting along with others.  One of the things we teach all day, every day is how to solve your own problems.  We have lots and lots of different strategies we teach the kids to use for different situations.  A favorite strategy of mine is social stories.  Social stories are simple stories explaining the exact behavior or tool you want a student to use in order to get what they want.  They're quick and easy to use!  Here's a link to some social stories if you feel like you could use them at home too.  It never hurts to prepare a child for expected behavior before a situation comes up.

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